Sunday, March 29, 2009

Girl talk.

The scene: Two brunette women, each in fashionable sunglasses and skintight hotpants, strolling through a custom motorcycle show.

Brunette #1: So, you know, he's kissing your ass.

Brunette #2: Huh?

Brunette #1: He thinks he'll get closer to me if he gets closer to you.

Brunette #2: Oh.

Brunette #1: He's just... so not what I'm looking for in a man. Like, he's always name-dropping, and he's all about his being a bank manager and all. Like, I laid it out to him, "This is how you come across." And he was, like, so hurt.

Brunette #2: Oh.

Brunette #1: But, Nick, you know. He's been really... working on his identity...

Brunette #2: Nick is gay?

Brunette #1: ... Is that what you heard out of that? His sexual identity?

Brunette #2: Uh...

Brunette #1: No. His identity as a person.

Brunette #2: Oh.

Brunette #1: Sometimes I really wonder about you, dude.

Brunette #2: Oh.

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