Friday, November 21, 2008

Photo Essay: Caught by the short hairs.


Anonymous said...

Nice images. What's the appeal of shorthaired women to you?

Rogue said...

My sexual awakening happened during a period when short hair on women was something mostly done by queer girls, lesbians, and punks as a way to counter the patriarchal paradigm. Most of those same women tended to be ballsy, artistic, and with kickass attitudes, all traits that attract me, so over time I suppose I developed an association with it.

I also learned that I liked the feel of short hair on my lover as she sucked my cock, and how much fun it was (and is) to tug a shaorthaired head toward me when she's restrained in bondage. Sure, long hair gives one more to play with, and its easier to pull when fucking doggystyle, but the sharp and immediate response from the head (one's fist being closer to the scalp) always amuses me.

Not that I dislike longer hair, however...